ここは、もともと田んぼだったので粘土質。ハーブの多くが苦手です。はじめの年から、麦+緑肥で水はけをよくしてみたりしてみて、畝の間の通路が最初歩け ないくらいビショビショになっていて、それはおかげでなくなったのだけれど、やはり水気が苦手な植物はどうも育ちが悪い。粘土が強すぎて土の中の空気が足 りないのだと思う。なので、ことしはもみ殻燻炭(籾殻をいぶしたもの)や腐葉土・砂を少しすきこんでみます。 奇跡のりんごの木村さんも最初に表面の土を乾かして(空気が含まれる)微生物を元気にするためにも浅く耕すといいって何かに書いてあった。がんばれ、微生物たち!y
160309 ほうれん草(種)/ ネギ(苗)植付
It starts raining in Kyoto-city. I went for a drive for our farm in the north part of Kyoto city before dawn. This is a first time over there in this year. I guess It has light snowfall this winter. There is the farm along the river in the mountains, where catches plenty of sun. No cell-phone reception.
The ground has been argillaceous soil, so I tried to ameliorate it by feeding wheats and green manures. Firstly, I couldn’t even walk well on aisles between furrows, but it’s getting better now. However, it doesn’t grow well plants that like dried climate. I think it is shortage of the air into ground soil because of the strong characteristics. So I’d like to work the fields with carbonized rice husk and muck, and some sand. Kimura-san, who is a very famous person as a pioneer of non-chemical apple, says that it is a good way to turn over soils to dry it up shallowly. Microbes power^^
160309 spinach / Kujo green onion
ハーブティーとアートのお店 京都西陣 たま茶
OPEN 12-19 定休日:木・金曜日+不定休あり